Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Covid Alarm ! Now its China and Russia, what's next ?

First we had the official narrative that first was “sounding” the Covid alarm. The pictures, the stories, the urgency, the masks, the death toll, the mass graves, the shutdown, the pharmaceutical rescue, the rules, the media , the results. I admit I was fooled. History is littered with pandemics and this was presented with all the bells and whistles, so we complied. 

Then I saw an interview with a leading UK expert who said the “media” had shut down his warning the virus was man made. He explained that in nature the positive charged components of the virus can’t sit side by side because they would repel each other so they couldn’t form. My first reaction was wtf !!!! - this is germ warfare !!! and China 🇨🇳 been blamed for the leak ! Visions of War with China on our streets flooded my mind.

The fact his message was silenced and not being debated by government became a huge concern. I’ve had experience with government agencies and learning backchannels in the intelligence services were told to accept a single version of events sat me bolt upright. Officials at every level were also told via their own back channels that what was going on was above their pay grade. It warned me a mass scam involving the silencing of the whistleblowers was well in play. 

A senior Israeli figure once warned me these events are about the movement of money. That was in New York 1990 during the preparation of Desert Storm. Planned executed and move the parties move on. The pattern of the play when looking back with 2023 eyes, I remembered the big global scams are the ones where inquiries are shut down. The official narrative is the only one and if any inquiries take place the terms of reference will be framed to hide the real story. As part of five eyes, a sufficient number of kiwi know all this, but that’s when self interest and the bystander syndrome takes over. In short, we are meant to forget Covid and focus on the latest scam, Russia and China.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Was Geoffrey Palmer the most dangerous and damaging politician in New Zealand's history ?

Geoffrey Palmer introduced and helped incubate many of our most destructive pieces of legislation. I can only assume he was co-opted into American service when he was USA based, because once he returned he was on a mission to get into parliament. Peter Tapsell told me doors were opened for him by other agents of change - and the results of the policies he directed are there in front of us to see. 

America doesn’t want our stabilisation, it wants our wealth and you can see its reach into other nations. Just stop and look at where their first priority is - identifying what they want and then implementing the steps needed to seize control which is best done by loaning that nation money then getting their destabilising policy under the guise of social advancement. But look at what they have actually done in promoting racial division, destroying education, promoting Treaty issues that have delivered nothing for ordinary Maori.

Look at the horror RMA has caused. MMP was yet another piece of foreign poison policy to incubate failure within New Zealand. Palmer was a member of Parliament from 1979 to 1990. He served as prime minister, Minister of Justice, and Attorney General. He was behind the Constitution Act 1986 which set up the framework defining fundamental political principles of governance, and establishes the powers of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state which allowed the judiciary its own unbridled power and of course all of us know the legal industry earns billions from corporations and does their bidding. Interesting that the judiciary can hold the executive accountable but the executive cant hold the judiciary accountable.

He championed New Zealand Bill of Rights which is a nothing but feel good piece of legislation. He worked on the Imperial Laws Application Act, and the State Sector Act 1988 which reshaped the shape of the public service and allowed ministers the ability to hand pick their people as departmental chief executives. The State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986 that converted government departments and State Owned Assets into corporations.

In 1984, he set up a Royal Commission to investigate the electoral system and propose modifications or alternatives and one only needs to see who sat on the panel to know Palmer wanted MMP. His Royal Commission reported in December 1986, recommending the mixed-member proportional representation system.

Palmer also became the Minister of the Environment where he drafted the destructive RMA, Resource Management Act which was sold that its tasks were to ensure activities won't harm neighbours or communities, or damage the air, water, soil and ecosystems and all it did was destroy the ability to develop property unless you were a giant corporation who could afford the loops. The Maori aspect was perhaps the most damaging. It’s wording sounds innocent but in practice it opened land owners up to elite Maori extortion. Under the section titled “Treaty of Waitangi”: In achieving the purpose of this Act, all persons exercising functions and powers under it, in relation to managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources, shall take into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi). 

The RMA legislation set Maori up in a position to act an an official extortion gang. I saw it in the Matakana Island litigation, where Ngai Te Rangi leadership used the legislation to gain confidential information and then set about seeing how much they could get into their own pockets.

Lets look at how bad things are in New Zealand

* Number of Kiwis living in cars has more than quadrupled since 2017.

• Gross debt figure is now $722.62 Billion, up 47% from 5 years ago.

• Under Labour, tax take has gone from $86 billion per year when they took power to $118 billion – up 38%.

• Retail crime has doubled since Labour came to power in 2017, and 70% of the crimes are not even being reported.

• Since 2017, when Labour took power, gang membership in Auckland has gone up 51%.

• Labour has taken away all healthcare targets. Every single healthcare metric has gone backwards in the last five years.

• Average weekly rent in 2017: $400, in 2023 up 50% to $600.

• 37,000 more kids are in benefit dependant homes than when Labour’s government took power 5 years ago.

• Labours fast track immigration processing: Only 20% processed with the 10 day timeframe promised by the minister. Setup to process 3500, only got through 169 with only 1 approved within the 4 weeks it has been open.

• Labour government has increased consultant spending from $900 million the previous year to $1.24 billion this year – a massive 33% increase, even after Labour increased public service employees by 50,000 since Labour took office.

• NZTA has increased staff by 60% in last 4 years (1000 extra bureaucrats).

• More than 100,000 students were chronically absent from school.

• Government refuses COVID-19 inquiry, despite cross-party support.

• 70% of NZ businesses have no confidence in this government to steer them through the economic down turn.

• Stats NZ data showed a deficit of $10.5 billion between export earnings and import costs for the year ended June, the highest annual deficit since current records began in 1960.

• Ram-raids on retailers have soared under Labour, with a more than 500 per cent increase within the first six months of 2022 compared to the same period in 2018.

• Emergency Department wait times are now the worst in at least a decade, with more than one in five people waiting at least six hours for treatment.

• Domestic inflation is up 6.3% and has a higher weighting than trade based inflation.

• In a multi nation survey involving 12000 people, NZ is now ranked 51st out of 52 countries for best place to live, no.52 was Kuwait.

• This was a Government elected to make housing affordable, help those less well off, reduce child poverty, and give us a kinder, more united society. On every front, it could not have failed more profoundly.

• 316 foreign entertainers, including 64 DJs, were fast-tracked through MIQ in 2021. Taxpayers have spent $1.2 billion on MIQ – $660 for every household in the country.

• Stating that we will be front of the vaccine queue versus being the slowest in the OECD to roll it out.

• Patients waiting for specialists for over a year has gone up 17 fold since 2019.

• 25% drop in prisoners, just ‘let out’ doing community sentences, while there has been an increase in offending against prisoner officers. Violent crime has increased 21%, gang membership increased 56%, record low number of offences resulting in prison sentences in last year representing an overall decrease of 44% under Labour.

• Savings report from Finders that looks at savings data across all the OECD says NZ will record the second to lowest savings in the world at -0.2% (only Poland is lower) compared to the average of +7%, showing how bad the cost of living crisis is.

• For more than three decades, the Swiss Institute for Management and Development (IMD) has compiled annual rankings of competitiveness for 63 of the world’s most important countries. Back in 2017 when Labour took power, New Zealand ranked #16 - ahead of Australia at #21. Five years on, New Zealand has fallen to #31, while Australia is now ranked #19. Over the past few years, we have plunged in economic performance, falling from 22nd to 47th place. Government efficiency has also deteriorated markedly from 7th to 17th place. Consumer confidence in New Zealand now stands at the lowest level since Westpac’s Consumer Confidence survey began in 1988. And, perhaps most damningly, for the first time, a majority has a negative 5-year outlook on the economy.

• Jamie Ngatata Love – 3rd strike law removed by Labour resulting in his sentence for armed robbery reduced from 10 years to 18 months, with 138 previous convictions.

• Sixty-four percent of Kiwis, across all ages, believe New Zealanders are more divided than ever.

• Day Jacinda resigns, news pushed aside of food price inflation data released showing the highest rate of increase in more than 30 years.

• Doctor GP waiting times are now 5th to bottom of OECD countries (38 countries). Access to GP’s is the first thing to go in a failing health system.

• The government collected $78 million more tax than forecast for the five months ended November 2022 while its expenses were up $742m on forecast.

• After 6 years of a Labour government, emissions have increased and the importing and burning of coal has more than doubled - all after Jacinda declared climate change is her 'Nuclear free moment'.

• Farm conversions into forestry in 2013 = 1, under Labour: 2022 = 31 due to carbon credits incentives, 2017 = 695 Hectares, under Labour 2022 = 18,000 Hectares. At the same time Labour calling foul on amount of slash washing away bridges etc & killing a child in East Cape.

• Govt car fleet grown 16% for past 3 years and 1000 of them are petrol or Diesel, their stated ambition on being EV by 2025 is a joke.

• New Zealand is now bottom of the OECD for access to modern medicines

• Retail crime increased 40% in 2022, with most police districts reporting twice as much as 4 years ago. There were 292 incidents a day last year, compared to 140 a day in 2018.

• Ramping hours (Ambulances sitting outside ER waiting to get patients in) went from 3000 hours in 2019 per quarter to 9756 hours per quarter in 2023. Targets of 90% of patients should receive MRIs within 42 days – currently it is 36%, 95% for CT scans within 42 days – currently it is 57%.

• Crime: 46% increase in victimisations, 140% increase in serious assaults, 551% increase in ram raids, number of people in prison for that has dropped 45%.

• Public sector managers have been growing at nearly twice the rate of frontline workers since the current Government came to power.

• Nearly 5000 New Zealand nurses have registered to work in Australia since August. As of March 4th 2022, only 1 nurse has arrived from overseas to NZ.

• Burglaries crime stats: 49% under 18 years old, 51% of those did not face court action. 112 between 0-17 arrested received a family group conference - that’s it. Most was just a formal or informal warning.

• Much of the bad luck is the result of Government’s own actions. The Reserve Bank only agreed to the inflationary $100 billion money printing programme after the Labour Government gave a taxpayer guarantee. Labour is recklessly running a deficit at a time of over-full employment. Borrow and spend always results in bust.

•  we are bottom half of advanced countries in the world with the worst current account deficit of all of them.

• Frontline police told to ‘consider necessity’ of bail arrests as NZ’s largest prison nears capacity

• 2023: 19,000 nurses have left the profession in the last 5 years under this Labour government. In 2017 it was under 3000 leaving compared to 5000 leaving in last year – a 60% increase in nurses leaving....

Is a Coup Going to Happen in New Zealand?

 Money Puppets:  Most corruption in New Zealand are things like Winebox, the Matakana Island litigation and donations to the major political parties from entities that subsequently earn millions and in some cases billions of dollars. 

Normal corruption is a good job as long as you do what you're asked to do. I call them Money Puppets.  Money Puppets in parliament are critical to the agenda of gutting New Zealand of its wealth. They are hand picked from around our communities, known to never question an instruction and keen for a high paying job. They have no opinions apart from the official opinion, sign here, stand there, ask that, say this, vote, don’t shift from the official line, smile. 

They say before a politician gets the keys to their office, they are told never to criticise a judge or judgment. Judges have the power to hold the government accountable, but parliament can’t hold the judiciary accountable, even when it comes to manipulating evidence or  any other type of unlawful action. Since the 1980’s judges have been hand picked mostly from the B Team. The A Team remains in the major law firms selling their skills to deliver the corporation's best value. 

Those of you who saw my post a few days ago on "Who Owns NZ" fully understand what I have been warning for years, that New Zealand is being taken over by offshore interests. The old days of sending in war ships are now replaced by a type of corporate imperialism. Powerful business interests who bring money, hire powerful well connected lawyers, lobbyists, think tanks, and the results are they now control most of our corporations, media, banking, forests, trade, financial services and to make all that happen, the political apparatus who sell our strategic assets, tax the people, create favorable legislation, and implement policy that destroys our competitive advantages. None of the political parties offer anything different. 

What we need is for the people to recognise the problem and  peacefully seize control of government and demand new leadership accountability laws. We can do this because we the people own government and our vote that sends a manager to look after that structure on our behalf has been hijacked and only big foreign money is winning. Sadly our politicians aren't bright enough to understand they're being used. It's above their pay grade I'm afraid. But you can test what I am saying in a few ways. First look at the state of the nation both economically and socially. Second, look at all the corruption that gets hidden. Try asking a politician for accountability and their only answer is voting is all we get, or they say the courts, or ombudsman, SFO, media are there. But ask those who have tried those routes to see how they are all systems that ensure the draining of NZ wealth continues. 

In other words, the system is rigged and the only method to stop that is to stop the country.

Who owns NZ? I've been doing some research

New Zealand has borrowed money from offshore banks, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank over the past 40 years, but the exact amount owed at any given time can vary depending on factors such as interest rates, repayments, and new borrowing. 

As of March 2021, New Zealand's external debt (which includes both public and private sector debt owed to overseas entities) was NZD 383.9 billion (approximately USD 263 billion). This figure includes debt owed to offshore banks as well as to multilateral institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank. The banking industry in New Zealand is dominated by a small number of large Australian-owned banks, along with a number of smaller domestic banks. 

Total gross net debt stands at $722b. 

Who Owns The Banks:

As of 2021, the four largest banks in New Zealand by market share are all owned by Australian banking groups. These banks are:

ANZ Bank New Zealand, which is owned by the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited which is owned by BlackRock, Inc., The Vanguard Group, Inc., Norges Bank Investment Management, State Street Global Advisors (US), Commonwealth Bank of Australia

ASB Bank, which is owned by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) which is owned by BlackRock, Inc., The Vanguard Group, Inc., Norges Bank Investment Management, State Street Global Advisors (US), Massachusetts Financial Services Co.

Westpac New Zealand, which is owned by Westpac Banking Corporation (Westpac) Who is owned by- BlackRock, Inc. The Vanguard Group, Inc., Norges Bank Investment Management, State Street Global Advisors (US), Dimensional Fund Advisors LP

BNZ (Bank of New Zealand), which is owned by National Australia Bank (NAB) which is owned by- BlackRock, Inc., The Vanguard Group, Inc., Norges Bank Investment Management, State Street Global Advisors (US), Capital Research Global Investors

Who Owns NZ Top 10 companies as of 2021

Fonterra - however note NZ farmers owe around $65b to the banks- The top ten shareholders of Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, which is a New Zealand multinational dairy co-operative, were as follows: Dairy Farmers of New Zealand Limited - 11.93% ownership, Fonterra Shareholders' Fund - 6.21% ownership Dairy Holdings Limited - 3.85% ownership Colin Armer - 2.33% ownership, Cullen Investments Limited - 1.95% ownership, Southern Pastures Limited - 1.57% ownership, Craigmore Sustainables Limited - 1.43% ownership, New Zealand Superannuation Fund - 1.34% ownership, National Nominees Limited - 1.23% ownership, North Island Farmer Cooperative Limited - 1.23% ownership

Auckland International Airport - Publicly traded on the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) with a diverse range of shareholders. Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) , Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) - a sovereign wealth fund established by the Government of Singapore to manage its foreign reserves. The Vanguard Group, Inc. - an American investment management company. BlackRock, Inc. - an American global investment management corporation. Norges Bank Investment Management - the investment management division of Norway's central bank.

Fletcher Building - Publicly traded on the NZX with a diverse range of shareholders. Capital Research Global Investors - an American investment management company. BlackRock, Inc. - an American global investment management corporation. The Vanguard Group, Inc. - an American investment management company. Norges Bank Investment Management - the investment management division of Norway's central bank. Commonwealth Bank of Australia - an Australian multinational bank.

The Warehouse Group - Publicly traded on the NZX with a diverse range of shareholders. Harbour Asset Management Limited - a New Zealand-based investment management firm. BlackRock, Inc. - an American global investment management corporation. The Vanguard Group, Inc. - an American investment management company. Norges Bank Investment Management - the investment management division of Norway's central bank. First Sentier Investors (Australia) - an Australian-based investment management company.

Spark New Zealand - Publicly traded on the NZX with a diverse range of shareholders. Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) - a New Zealand government agency that manages the country's universal no-fault accidental injury scheme. BlackRock, Inc. - an American global investment management corporation. The Vanguard Group, Inc. - an American investment management company. Norges Bank Investment Management - the investment management division of Norway's central bank. Commonwealth Bank of Australia - an Australian multinational bank.

Z Energy - Publicly traded on the NZX with a diverse range of shareholders. Infratil Limited - a New Zealand-based infrastructure investment company. Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) - a New Zealand government agency that manages the country's universal no-fault accidental injury scheme. BlackRock, Inc. - an American global investment management corporation. The Vanguard Group, Inc. - an American investment management company. Norges Bank Investment Management - the investment management division of Norway's central bank.

Meridian Energy - Publicly traded on the NZX with a diverse range of shareholders, but majority owned by the New Zealand government. Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) - a New Zealand government agency that manages the country's universal no-fault accidental injury scheme. The Vanguard Group, Inc. - an American investment management company. Norges Bank Investment Management - the investment management division of Norway's central bank. BlackRock, Inc. - an American global investment management corporation. Commonwealth Bank of Australia - an Australian multinational bank.

Genesis Energy - Publicly traded on the NZX with a diverse range of shareholders, but majority owned by the New Zealand government. Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) - a New Zealand government agency that manages the country's universal no-fault accidental injury scheme. The Vanguard Group, Inc. - an American investment management company. Norges Bank Investment Management - the investment management division of Norway's central bank. BlackRock, Inc. - an American global investment management corporation. First Sentier Investors (Australia) - an Australian-based investment management company.

Contact Energy - Publicly traded on the NZX with a diverse range of shareholders, but majority owned by Origin Energy of Australia. The Vanguard Group, Inc. - an American investment management company. Norges Bank Investment Management - the investment management division of Norway's central bank. BlackRock, Inc. - an American global investment management corporation. Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) - a New Zealand government agency that manages the country's universal no-fault accidental injury scheme. Commonwealth Bank of Australia - an Australian multinational bank.

Air New Zealand - Publicly traded on the NZX with a diverse range of shareholders, Air NZ owned by New Zealand Government - 51% ownership. Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) - 6.12% ownership. Capital Research and Management Company - 4.91% ownership. BlackRock, Inc. - 3.11% ownership. The Vanguard Group, Inc. - 2.49% ownership


The Vanguard Group, Inc. is a privately held American investment management company, the ownership of the company is not public information. Vanguard is owned by its funds, which in turn are owned by the shareholders of those funds. The company operates as a mutual organization, meaning that it is owned by its investors rather than by external shareholders or investors.

Top five owners of The Vanguard Group, Inc. are the shareholders of its funds. Vanguard's largest funds, such as the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund and the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, have thousands of individual and institutional shareholders. Norges Bank Investment Management - the investment management division of Norway's central bank.

BlackRock, Inc. - an American global investment management corporation. Itself owned by The Vanguard Group, Inc. - 7.02% ownership BlackRock, Inc. - 6.39% ownership State Street Corporation - 4.32% ownership Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC - 2.03% ownership Capital Research Global Investors - 1.63% ownership.

News ! 

I just heard the NZ Government gave $140m to NZ Steel- owned by BlueScope steel a highly profitable Australian public listed company which made $3b last year- and guess who are BlueScope's largest shareholders- BlackRock Fund Advisor, State Street Global Advisors, The Vanguard Group, Inc, Norges Bank Investment Management, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Ltd, Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd, State Street Global Advisors Trust Co, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd, BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd. see -

Who Owns NZ Forestry: 

Between 1990 and 1996 the New Zealand government - the politicians, sold over 550 000 ha of planted forests we the people once owned to the private sector - offshore owned companies.  Today the income from those radiata forests nets around $55,000 per HA - therefore 550,000 HA is worth $30,250,000,000 income. The NZ government of Labour and National sold those forests for less than $3b. 

Who Owns the Land:

Out of the top 50 land owners, 20 are foreign and own more than 1.5m acres. 

Three of them were defendants in the Matakana Island litigation-Blakely, Ernslaw and ITT Rayonier.

ITT Rayonier: Matariki Forests which is actually ITT Rayonier listed number 4 yet their webpage shows they have 110,000 HA. Their former Managing director Charles Margiotta gave false evidence in the Arklow litigation (Matakana island ownership) and that was confirmed by their in house lawyer in a meeting with Sir Peter Tapsell. 

Blakely Pacific: Blakely listed at no 7, they purchased Matakana Island from Maori leaders who made millions in one of New Zealand's biggest Maori leadership scams. Try asking anyone from Tauranga who owns Matakana and they will say the Maori do- they don't, its owned by Blakely who are the largest property developers in North West USA and another shell company who hides its real owners. The Government gave 10,000 acres of Matakana island to the Maori in 1994 but the iwi leaders put the ownership under their own names in a private company called Te Kotukutuku Corporation- do a company search - you will see the former iwi chairman Howard Palmer, their accountant Graeme Ingham, Tauranga Moana Trust Chairman Enoko Ngatai, trust chairman John Neill, RMA liaison manager Don Shaw the major shareholders and they sold it to Americans despite the fact they pleaded with the Government to get them their sacred land back. see - 

And they killed Sonny Tawhiao who tried tackling their corruption - 

Question government refuse to address in the Justice Select Committee - Did Sonny Tawhiao’s complaints about iwi leadership corruption offer a problem to iwi leadership who were also the personal shareholders of Te Kotukutuku Corporation?

Did the Tauranga police fail to investigate (Waitangi manager WAI 215) Sonny Tawhiao’s death?

Did the tribal leadership of Ngai Te Rangi breach their fiduciary duty by directing tribal assets into their own personal names? Was that action theft by a person in a special relationship?

Did the Maori group submit to the Court that the Matakana Island land and forestry and housing assets were going to be jointly owned on a 51/49 basis with a charitable entity known as Matakana Island Trust and was it not correct that the trustees then transferred that benefit into their own names?

Did the tribal leadership of Ngai Te Rangi, namely its Chairman Howard Palmer, accountant Graeme Ingham, Tauranga Moana Trust Board Chairman Enoka Ngatai, iwi Resource Management Act manager Don Shaw, Matakana Island Trust Chairman John Neill provide the High Court affidavits claiming the Matakana Island was sacred and subject to a Waitangi claim but perverted the course of justice by failing to tell the court they were personally shareholders set to gain real estate worth more than $100m should the court assist them gain ownership at Arklow’s expense?

Despite the claims which the Crown supported that the Matakana Island land was sacred; did the Maori group involved, namely Te Kotukutuku Corporation, sell that land to developers in 2007 resulting in none of the $100m plus going to Ngai Te Rangi iwi or charity Matakana Island Trust, but instead all of it going into the pockets of the Maori leadership, their accountant and lawyers who misled the court?

Ernslaw One: Listed as no 2. Ernslaw made their money raping the rain forests of Asia. Their business model was to negotiate with politicians with a gun and bag of cash- either take the money and hand over the rain forest or else. The details of those events has been  covered by various news organisations, Greenpeace and Save the Rainforest organisations, but through the help of NZ lawyers they have been able to become NZ’s 2nd largest land owner. Their company secretary is NZ lawyer Jack Porus who also perjured his evidence in the Matakana Island litigation. 

1. Taumata Plantations Limited (101,854 hectares): Taumata Plantations purchased the former Carter Holt Harvey forests and has kept a significant majority of the land, recently on-selling some of it to New Zealand companies. The company is ultimately owned by several overseas investment funds and banks. The largest shareholder is Manulife, a major Canada insurance company.

2. Tiong family (77,686 hectares): The Malaysia-based, family-owned Tiong Group own forestry, media and property assets around the world. Their land holdings in New Zealand include the Ernslaw One forests, New Zealand King Salmon, and land owned by their property and land development company, The Neil Group.

3. New Forests Asset Management (77,465 hectares): New Forests is an Australia-based assets management company that operates several investment funds in New Zealand, owned by several subsidiaries. It has amassed its forestry land portfolio in less than four years, starting with purchases in the Wairarapa in 2016. An Overseas Investment Office investigation into one subsidiary's purchases resulted in a formal warning, an $80,000 charity donation and $20,000 in costs.

4. Matariki Forests (73,509 hectares): Another forestry company, three-quarter-owned by the US-based Rayonier. The remaining quarter of the company's shareholding is owned by an Australian-registered company, Waimarie Forests Pty Limited.

7. Port Blakely Limited (35,889 hectares): Another US-owned forestry company.

8. Global Forest Partners LLC (33,706 hectares): Global Forest Partners, registered in the Cayman Islands, is the ultimate owner of two private investment funds that own forestry land in New Zealand.

13. Sumitomo Forestry Company (25461 hectares): Japanese forestry giant, part of the Sumitomo group. Most of the company's New Zealand land is in Nelson and Tasman.

14. Lone Star Farms Limited (22365 hectares): A farming corporate owned by Nelson-based American businessman Tom Sturgess. Land holdings include five South Island farms. Lone Star is also the shareholding company of Verity Farms NZ, which owns Godley Peaks Station in Canterbury.

15. Corisol New Zealand Limited (18231 hectares): Swiss-owned investment company, which purchased forestry land from Ngāi Tahu in 2011.

16. Nelson Forests Limited (18135 hectares): Owned by Australian forestry investment company OneFortyOne, which purchased the company and its land from another foreign-owned company last year.

19. China Forestry Group New Zealand Company Limited (17087 hectares): Ultimately owned by the Chinese government's State Forestry Administration. Owns forests throughout the North Island.

22. The Westervelt Company (15341 hectares): US-owned timber company that operates forestry, honey cultivation, hunting and tourism businesses on Poronui Station near Lake Taupō. The land includes the exclusive Poronui Lodge.

26. Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited (13682 hectares): Australian-owned owner and operator of the Waihi gold mine.

28. Southland Plantation Forest Company of New Zealand Limited (13366 hectares): Ownership of this South Island forestry land is split between three major Japanese companies - Fuji Xerox, Itochu Corporation, and Oji Holdings.

29. Lees Valley Station, LLC (13114 hectares): The US company purchased Mt Pember Station, one of New Zealand's largest sheep and beef farms, for $30m in 2013 and converted it to dairy. RNZ was unable to determine the ultimate owners of the US company.

30. Greenheart Mangakahia Forest Land Limited (12558 hectares): Hong Kong-based investment company that owns forests in Northland.

31. Doug and Mari Harpur (12512 hectares): North American deer farmers and foresters, the Harpurs purchased neighbouring Southland farms Fairlight Station and Cainard Run in the early 2000s.

32. Juken New Zealand Limited (12435 hectares): Owned by Japanese forestry company WoodOne. Juken's forests are in the Wairarapa and near Gisborne, where it owns a mill.

33. Christian Welte (12309 hectares): A Swiss bio-engineer, Mr Welte's New Zealand company Monte Capital Limited owns several East Coast farms in the North Island as well as forestry blocks.

45. Anthony Czura (9580 hectares): Swiss national Anthony Czura is a co-founder of Swiss-based investment firm Czura Thornton. He owns Ngatapa Station in Hawke's Bay.

Further information on Ernslaw, the 2nd largest foreign land owner in NZ can be found in the media links below.